Nordic Jazz Archives
Svenskt visarkiv (Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research)

Has a commission to collect, preserve and publish material concerning instrumental folk music, folk songs and traditional music in general, from the end of the 16th century up to now, as well as material on the history of jazz in Sweden. The folk music collection also includes material from the Swedish-speaking areas of Finland.
Norsk Jazzarkiv (The Norwegian Jazz Archives)

The Norwegian Jazz Archives (NJA) is a centre for documentation and expertise in the field of Norwegian jazz history. The NJA has three main areas of responsibility: The collection, classification and storage of various types of material related to Norwegian jazz; Research, and Information on Norwegian jazz history and Norwegian jazz in general. The Norwegian Jazz Archives collections include sound archive, press cuttings archive, photographic collection library, magazines, and video and film archive. The members of the Board and staff carry out general historical research on Norwegian jazz. The NJA publishes the results of research projects in reports and books on Norwegian jazz history, produces biographies, arranges "listening evenings" and answers queries related to Norwegian jazz.
Finnish Jazz & Pop Archive
The Finnish Jazz & Pop Archive (JAPA) collects all the materials related to Finnish popular music. JAPA gathers together both commercially available materials, including recordings, sheet music, videos, magazines, books, newspaper clippings, concert programmes, and so on. A good proportion of the archive's collections consists of materials that have never been commercially released: recordings, hand-written sheet music, correspondence, photographs, etc.
Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek (SDUB)
The archive at Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek (SDUB) houses the collections from Det Danske Jazzcenter (Arnvid Meyer), Radio Jazz, Ben Webster, Richard Boone, Timme Rosenkrantz, Erik Lindemann and Svend Asmussen. To round up the rather large collection is SDUB’s collection of material from the local jazzscene.
Center for Dansk Jazzhistorie (Centre for Danish Jazz History)
Centre for Danish Jazz History (CDJ) houses a very large collection of jazz recordings, films, books, periodicals and other documentation on both national and international jazz. The main areas of responsibility is to collect, preserve and research on Danish jazz history and Danish jazz in general. The CDJ is a relatively young archive founded by a group of students and employees at Aalborg University in 2006.